
De la mano de unos de los mejores criadores, variedades holandesas de siempre, ideales para hacer buenas selecciones.

Moderadores: Rivalpo, weed'O, tristan

Mensajes: 4645
Registrado: Mié Nov 10, 2010 4:58 pm
Ubicación: Mediterráneo


Mensajepor tristan » Jue Mar 03, 2011 11:47 am

The Early Queen strain has unique flavors in its genes and combining it to this special male pedigree line only leads to infinite possibilities...Dreams are made from these ingredients...so just add water!

Aroma 5
Valor medicinal 4.5
Producción 5

Familia: EQ x HzAC
Categoría: Exclusive limited editions - New blends of old school genetics
Familia de la línea: Mexican12.5%, Early Pearl 12.5% Early Girl 12.5% Super Skunk 12.5% and Haze 50%
Breeder: Shantibaba
Preferencias de cultivo: Bio, hydro, interior, exterior e invernaderos
Producción: 500 gramos por planta en exterior y 500 gramos por metro cuadrado en interior
Periodo de floración: Indoor flowering one should be able to find a 9 weeker but the range would be normally 10-12 weeks...depending upon the phenotype selected as a mother. Would not recommend for outdoors flowering in the Northern Hemisphere unless in a greenhouse and then it would require shading to complete the cycle. In the Southern Hemisphere June would be an expected time of completion, but too south again we would not recommend for outdoor flowering to completion as the cold and rains can inhibit the plant finishing properly.
Recommendations: For the grower who is keen to learn about Haze hybrids…so preferably not first time growers.

Special Notes: Unique flavors combined with the cerebral effects of the double Haze undoubtly will lead to promises that come true. A quicker alternative to most of the Haze hybrids of this caliber.

Mensajes: 4645
Registrado: Mié Nov 10, 2010 4:58 pm
Ubicación: Mediterráneo

Re: U2

Mensajepor tristan » Mar Nov 01, 2011 9:03 pm


Pinta bien, no hay más datos ni fotos, en el foro de Mr Nice también está vacío el tema, algún valiente saldrá... 8-)


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